Glendale Guardianship Attorney

Glendale guardianship attorney

Dealing with guardianship issues can be tough and emotional. We focus on guardianship cases at Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers, and help families like yours daily. Our guardianship attorney knows how important it is to handle these cases carefully and ensure everyone's best interests are considered. We're here to help guide you through every step, making things clearer and less stressful for you and your family.

A certified family law specialist from our law offices can address your behalf in a variety of family law matters. When you need a family law attorney, we can help you. Learn more about guardianship situations below. Then, contact our conservatorship lawyers to schedule a free case consultation.

Our Glendale Guardianship Attorney Explains Guardianship

Our Glendale guardianship attorney explains guardianship

Understanding guardianship is key to making smart decisions in tough family situations. Guardianship means being legally responsible for caring for someone else, usually when they can't look after themselves. This could be because they're too young, like a minor child, or adults who can't make their own decisions anymore. Our attorney can show you how to set up a guardianship that protects your loved ones and respects their needs. We can even help with estate planning and probate court. Let us assist you with probate law.

In guardianship cases, you need to make many important decisions. Our lawyer will discuss your options and help you understand what each choice means for your family. We'll help you decide whether you need full guardianship or just some specific powers to help care for your loved one. Our law firm has experience with probate estates and wills. Contact us today if you need a legal guardian for an incapacitated adult.

Definition of Legal Guardianship

Legal guardianship is when someone is given the legal right by supreme court to care for another person and make decisions for them. This is usually needed when someone cannot make decisions because of their age or health. The guardian ensures the person has what they need, like food, a place to live, and medical care. The court checks that the guardian does their job right to keep the person safe and well.

Different Types of Guardianship

Depending on the person's needs, there are several types of guardianship. Full guardianship gives someone the right to make all decisions for another person. But in practice law sometimes, only certain decisions need to be made by the guardian, and that's called limited guardianship. Temporary guardianship can be set up if the guardian is only needed briefly.

Each type of guardianship is used for different situations, and choosing the right one is important. Our lawyers can help determine which guardianship best suits your family's needs. We'll examine the details and help you make a plan that keeps your loved one safe and respects their rights.

The Need for a Guardianship

The need for a guardianship

Sometimes, setting up a guardianship is the best way to look after someone who can't care for themselves. This might be needed if someone can't independently make safe or healthy choices. Our job is to help you decide if guardianship is the right choice and to set it up properly. We'll ensure everything is done correctly so you can care for your loved one without legal worries.

Circumstances Requiring Guardianship

  • Age-related issues: Older people sometimes get sick in ways that make it hard to take care of themselves. If someone has a form of dementia, such as Alzheimer's, they might need a guardian to help manage their daily life and health care.
  • Disabilities: Some adults with serious disabilities might never be able to make their own decisions safely. A guardian can help manage their choices and ensure a good quality of life.
  • Severe illness: When someone gets sick and can't communicate or understand things well, they might need a guardian. This helps ensure they get the right medical care and meet their needs.
  • Minor children: If a child's parents can't take care of them because of death or a serious medical condition, a guardian might need to step in. This helps ensure the child is raised safely and with enough support. We can also help you with child custody issues.
  • Legal and financial decisions: Some people cannot handle their money or legal choices because of their mental state. A guardian could help them pay bills, manage money, and perform other important tasks to keep their lives running smoothly.

Guardianship for Minors vs. Adults

Setting up a guardianship for a child differs from setting one up for an adult. For children, it's usually about finding someone to take care of them and make decisions until they're adults. This includes where they'll live and go to school and ensuring they have what services they need to grow appropriately.

For adults, guardianship usually starts because of a health problem that makes it hard for them to look after themselves. This can be for physical reasons, like a serious disability, or mental reasons, like having severe dementia. The guardian helps clients with health care decisions, such as where to live and how to manage personal care.

Legal Process for Establishing Guardianship

Legal process for establishing guardianship
  1. Identify the need for guardianship: Determine if the person cannot independently make safe decisions.
  2. Consult with a guardianship attorney: Talk to a lawyer who knows about guardianship to get the right advice.
  3. File a petition with the court: Your attorney will help you fill out and file the necessary paperwork.
  4. Notify family members: The law requires that family members are told about the guardianship case.
  5. Attend a court hearing: You and your attorney will go to court to talk about guardianship.
  6. Court evaluation: Sometimes, the court will ask a professional to meet with the person to see if guardianship is needed.
  7. Judge's decision: The judge will decide if guardianship is necessary and, if so, what type it should be.

Responsibilities of a Guardian

When you become a guardian, you have major responsibilities. You must ensure the person you're looking after has a safe place to live, enough food, and the medical care they need. You must also manage their money carefully and make the best decisions for them. Being appointed a guardian is a substantial responsibility, but it's also a chance to help someone who needs it.

Financial Management Duties

A guardian has to manage the person's money. This in practice means paying bills on time, ensuring they don't get cheated, and using their money in the best way for them. You might also have to keep records of how you spend their money because the court might want to see them.

Healthcare and Living Arrangements

One of the most important jobs of a guardian is ensuring the person has appropriate education and medical care. You might have to decide about medical care. It's also your job to find a stable place for them to live.

Additional Responsibilities for Guardians of Minors

When you're the guardian of assets for a child, you have to perform all the tasks a parent would. This includes making decisions about school and what kind of health care they get. You also have to put them in a position to find happiness as they grow.

Challenges in Guardianship Cases

Challenges in guardianship cases
  • Disagreements among family members: Sometimes, family members don't agree about who should be the guardian or what is best for the person. This can make the process longer and more complicated.
  • Financial abuse: Sadly, sometimes, guardians don't care for the person's money. It's important to watch for signs of this and ensure it doesn't happen.
  • Emotional stress: Being a guardian can be tough, especially when making hard decisions. It's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes, and taking care of yourself is important too.
  • Legal challenges: Sometimes, other people might challenge your decisions in court. This can be stressful, but having a good lawyer can help.
  • Maintaining independence: It's important to remember that the person you're looking after should get to make their own decisions when they can. Finding the balance between helping them and not taking over completely can be tricky.

Terminating or Modifying Guardianship

Sometimes, a guardianship needs to be changed or ended. This could be because the person gets better and can care for themselves again, or a different guardian is needed. You must go to court again to make any changes and show why the change is needed. Our lawyers can help with this, ensuring everything is done right and for the right reasons.

How a Guardianship Attorney Can Help

Having a guardianship attorney help you is really important. They know all the rules and can ensure everything is done correctly. They can also help solve problems, like disagreements with family members or questions about money. Most of all, they can give you peace of mind, knowing that you're not alone in this.

Contact Our Glendale Guardianship Attorney To Schedule a Free Case Consultation

Contact our Glendale guardianship attorney to schedule a free case consultation

If you think you might need to set up a guardianship, come talk to us. At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers office, we offer a free consultation to discuss your situation and determine the best way to help you. You can ask all your questions, and we'll explain everything clearly. Reach out for an appointment and discuss what is best for you and your family.

Setting up a guardianship is a big decision, but you don't have to make it alone. Our experienced attorneys are here to guide you every step of the way. We'll handle the legal stuff so you can focus on what's important: caring for your loved one. Contact us now to find out how we can help you.

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