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Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Glendale, AZ: Over 30 Years of Experience in Family Law and Divorce Cases

We all desire a happy and healthy family life. Unfortunately, different situations can sometimes make this difficult, if not impossible. Family issues can be some of the most sensitive and challenging legal problems, from child custody and visitation to divorce and spousal support.

This is where Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Glendale, AZ comes in. We have been helping clients in Glendale, Arizona, with all types of family law matters for many years. And our goal is to provide each client with the individualized attention and care they need to get through this tough time. We understand that family law cases are often sensitive and can be very stressful. That’s why we take time to understand our client's unique situations so that we can provide them with the best service possible. We will then work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome in their case. Here is an overview of our practice areas to give you a better impression of our services.


As a new couple goes through their blissful honeymoon phase, they usually don't think about the possibility of getting a divorce. But as time goes by, problems may arise, and the thought of divorce may become a reality. A divorce lawyer who has experience in this field is invaluable if you're in this situation.

At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers, we have helped clients through the different divorce stages. From the dissolution of marriage to asset division, we will be there every step of the way. And if you have children, we will help you with child custody and visitation arrangements. So, whether you are going through a +-no-fault divorce or a contested divorce, we can help.

Child Custody and Visitation

If you are a parent, one of your biggest responsibilities is to provide your children with a safe and loving home. However, you may worry about their welfare when you are going through a divorce. This is where child custody and visitation come in.

At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers, we understand the importance of protecting your children's best interests. In addition, we know how crucial it is to inform a parent about their child's custody and visitation rights. So, we will help you understand the different types of custody and what they mean for your family. From legal custody to physical custody, we will explain everything in detail. Then we will walk with you throughout the legal process, from the preliminary injunction to the final hearing.

Child support

Most people going through a divorce misunderstand child support, thinking it involves only a parent's financial obligations. However, it is much more than that. Child support includes the psychological and emotional support that a parent provides to their children.

Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Glendale, AZ, will help you understand your child support obligations under Arizona law. We will help you determine the right amount of support based on your unique circumstances. By helping you fill out the  Affidavit of Financial Information, we will also ensure that the support amount is fair and just. In addition, if you are a non-custodial parent, we will help you understand your visitation rights so your child can still have emotional support from both parents.

Spousal support

When a marriage fails, it is not only the couple who suffers but also their families. This is particularly true for stay-at-home moms or dads whose contribution to the relationship is not always financially quantifiable. Fortunately, Arizona law provides for spousal support or alimony.

Spousal support is the financial support one spouse gives the other after a divorce. It is usually paid by the spouse with a higher income or earning potential. In addition, the amount and duration of spousal support will depend on several factors, such as the length of the marriage and the couple's standard of living.

When you seek our spousal support services, we will help you understand your rights and obligations under Arizona law. So, whether you are the spouse who will be paying support or the one receiving it, we can help.

When going through a divorce or you have a family law issue, it's important to have an experienced lawyer to help you through the process. At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Glendale, AZ, we have many years of experience handling different family law cases. From child custody and spousal support arrangements to property division, we can help you with every aspect of your family law case. We look forward to hearing from you.

Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Glendale AZ

7075 W Bell Rd #5 Glendale AZ


(602) 834-8585

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