Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer from Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ

Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer from Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ

Society is based on the family as its basic unit. And every couple gets into the marriage institution hoping they will start a family and spend the rest of their lives together.
But, sometimes, even in the best of relationships, marriages fail, with one of the aftermaths being divorce. Like in every situation where there is a disagreement between two parties, people always wish for an amicable resolution. However, this is not always the case. That's where we, Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ come in.
At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ, we understand the gravity of such a situation and its impact on all parties involved. We also know that no matter how much you try, some things are beyond your control.
That's why we have a team of divorce lawyers that will offer you the best possible legal representation and guide you through the entire process.

Some of our service areas as a divorce law firm include:

Prenuptial Agreements

Marriage is one of the most critical milestones in a person's life. But before saying "I do," it's essential to protect yourself financially with a prenuptial agreement. A prenuptial agreement, also known as a prenup, is a legally binding contract that spells out how your assets will be divided if you divorce. It can also specify what happens to your property and debts if one of you dies.
At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ, our experienced attorneys can help you create a prenuptial agreement that's fair to both parties and protects your interests. We'll take the time to understand your unique situation and craft an agreement that meets your needs.

Child Custody

The unfortunate end to the once beautiful relationship between two people can be very painful. More so if there are children involved. In these situations, the question that quickly crops up is, who is more fit to take custody of the children? Unfortunately, when parents cannot come to a mutual agreement, the court has to step in and make a decision. That's where having seasoned family law attorneys like Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ by your side can make all the difference.
Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ will help you navigate the child custody process and ensure that your rights are protected. We'll also help you understand the different types of custody and develop a parenting plan that's in the best interests of your children.


Divorce can be a difficult and emotional time for everyone involved. When you think of the time, money, and energy that you've invested in your marriage, it's only natural to want to protect your interests. Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ can help you through this tough time and protect your interests. We have years of experience helping people through their divorces and can help you too.
From ensuring that you receive a fair settlement, to helping you navigate the legal process, we're here for you. We understand this is a difficult time, and we're here to help you through it.

Grandparents Rights

Parents have the liberty to choose what’s best for their children, from their food, clothes, education, and extra-curricular activities. But in certain situations, grandparents may feel left out and not given a chance to be a part of their grandchildren’s life. This is especially so if the grandparents have had a hand in raising the child or if they have a close relationship.
If you are a grandparent who feels like you are not being allowed to see your grandchild or have a relationship with them, you may have legal options. At Family Law in Mesa AZ, we will help you understand your legal rights as a grandparent. From visitation to custody, we will help you navigate the family law system so that you can be a part of your grandchild’s life.

Parenting Plan

When separation or divorce is inevitable, one of the most important things to consider is how you will co-parent your children. Parenting plans are legally binding agreements that detail how you and your ex will co-parent your children. This includes where the children will live, how you will raise them, and how you will make decisions about their care.
At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ, we can help you create a parenting plan that's in the best interests of your children. We'll consider your unique situation and create a plan that works for you. We can also help you modify an existing parenting plan if your circumstances have changed.

When facing family law issues, it's crucial to have an experienced attorney by your side. At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ, we can help you with all aspects of family law. We're here to help you through this tough time, from divorce to child custody.

Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Mesa AZ

Divorce Attorney in Mesa, AZ


3740 E Southern Ave Suite 210, Mesa, AZ, 85206,



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