Gilbert Complex Divorce Lawyer

Complex Divorce Lawyer in Gilbert AZ

Divorce in Gilbert AZ can cause intense emotions and stress to emerge, especially in cases of money mismanagement, infidelity, or even abuse in any form. All this may cause hindrance in mediation, even making it impossible in certain complex divorce cases. To make the process of mediation easier and to smoothly conduct the entire process, you can call Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers's complex divorce attorneys in Gilbert AZ and schedule an hour-long consultation.

Complex Divorce Lawyers in Gilbert AZ

A divorce may be classified to be complex in case either or both parties make use of the legal system for controlling or harassing the other one, or if both the parties suffer from personality disorder. In such cases the spouse who is being unreasonable may complicate the case by engaging in abusive litigation, obstructionist, and litigious tactics for a lengthy time period. Apart from this, common issues that may arise in case of complex divorce include the following:

With the assistance of our experienced complex divorce lawyers in Gilbert AZ, you can find a way to deal with these elements and find a stress-free way to go through with the divorce process.

Complex Property Division Lawyer in Gilbert Arizona

The objective in all divorce proceedings is to fairly divide the marital assets, however there are certain cases in which it is easier to account for and divide the assets than others. The assets that are often dealt with in a complex divorce have been listed above. With all these different asset types that come into play during a complex divorce, you need to be backed by a professional team of legal practitioners like ours at Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers, who have more than 20 years of experience in dealing with complex divorce related nuances.

Our complex divorce attorneys in Gilbert AZ are equipped to deal with assessing the value of assets, especially when the appraisals need to take into consideration factors like an asset's projected value in the future, and taxes. They have the efficiency and a detailed understanding of the complications in financial and legal nuances that may be involved in your complex divorce case, and can also thoroughly understand what your current financial situation is. Our top-notch team of attorneys can expertly handle all the complexes associated with your case, to help you achieve what you fairly deserve.

Complex Child Issues Lawyer in Gilbert AZ

The presence of a child automatically complicates a divorce case. Most of the time, both the parents desire to continue maintaining their relationship with their child. In some cases the parents can work together to form an effective parenting plan without much issue. With the help of a mediator parents are able to set aside their differences to come up with a plan that is fair to the parents and in the child's best interest.

However, in some cases parents disagree about where their child should be raised and should spend his/her time. This particularly stands true if one of the parents either lives out of state or wants to move out to a place that is not within the vicinity of the marital house. If one of the parents has been the child's caregiver (full-time) and does not want the child to be with the other working parent, it can create complications in child custody. Again, there are situations in which one of the parents has unresolved parenting issues that leadings to accusations of the other spouse being unfit.

In several of these situations, the involvement of a neutral third party like a GAL or guardian ad litem is required. This neutral part will have to meet with the child and the parents to draw up reports for submission in the court. All of this takes a lot of time and can cause the complex divorce case to stretch longer. But with our complex divorce lawyers in Gilbert AZ by your side, these issues can be resolved within a much smaller timeframe.

Complex Divorce Attorney in Gilbert AZ

Some other important factors that can complicate a divorce case include:

Drug addiction or domestic violence history - If one of the spouses makes an accusation on the other one of domestic violence then it can lead to a drawn-out custody' case. Again, if one of the parents has a history of abusing drugs, or indulging in drug use or addiction, then it may cause challenges related to child custody. There are certain cases in which one of the parents intends on getting sole custody of the child, which can cause the other one not to have enforced visitation or custody. Such a situation can be avoided as our efficient complex divorce attorneys in Gilbert AZ can help you with proper legal assistance in such cases.

Businesses that are jointly-owned - In cases where both the spouses have together built a business, it takes additional skill to negotiate on who gets what. This also stands true if a spouse already had a business before entering into marriage and their partner joined as co-owner after their marriage. Most of the time in such cases longer time period and additional paperwork are required for figuring out what fairly belongs to which of the spouses. Call us at Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers to schedule a one-hour consultation with one of our experienced complex divorce lawyers to know more about how you can fairly get what you already own.

Gilbert Arizona Complex Divorce Attorney

If everything was alright with the world your divorce process would be simple and amicable. And sometimes divorce cases are less complicated without causing any undue stress while dissolving a relationship. However, there are cases where several factors give rise to complications in the divorce procedure. Talk to our lawyers at Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers to learn more about your case and whether you can get the best fair outcome in terms of your divorce and/or custody case.

We’re open: Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm

For additional questions, you can call us at; (480) 900-2302 or you can find us on Yelp.

Located in South East Gilbert, Near Higley High School on Pecos Road, West of Power Road in the Power Ranch Neighborhood. Our Gilbert Law Firm offers Divorce Mediation, Uncontested Divorce, Contested Divorce, Legal Separation, Female Divorce Lawyers, Annulment, Child Support Issues, Child Custody, Military Divorce, Parenting Plans, Prenuptial Agreements, Postnuptial Agreements, Grandparents Rights, Paternity, Order of Protection, Name Change and all Family Law legal issues.

Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Gilbert AZ
4365 E. Pecos Rd Suite 138
Gilbert, AZ 85295
(480) 900-2302

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