Scottsdale LDS Lawyer

Kevin Jensen was born in Evanston, Wyoming.  He grew up on a ranch in southwestern Wyoming where he was taught old fashion values and hard work. He graduated from Evanston High School in 1988 and shortly thereafter left for a mission to Las Vegas, Nevada for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or “Mormon” church. Mr. Jensen served in various leadership positions as a missionary in Nevada from 1989-1991.

Upon returning from his mission, Mr. Jensen attended Rick’s College in Rexburg, Idaho, before transferring to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Mr. Jensen graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History, focusing primarily on American History, in 1998.

LDS Lawyers in Scottsdale Arizona

In 2006, Mr. Jensen started his own law practice and has focused on helping individuals in the area of family law. He has been practicing law for over 20 years and has experience with all types of family law cases. Kevin and his wife Kristi are the proud parents of four boys. Kevin loves spending time with his family, especially participating in sports with his boys. He is an avid, golfer, reader and loves old movies. He also enjoys spending time serving in various capacities for his church.

Lawyers in Scottsdale AZ that are Mormon

Nobody gets married with the intent to divorce, but even with the best of intentions divorce can happen. When the unfortunate prospect of divorce arises, it is important to know your rights and understand the law and the marriage dissolution process in Scottsdale AZ. As experienced Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers LDS divorce lawyers in Scottsdale AZ, we help make this process as quick and painless as possible.  There are three major issues that need to be resolved in a typical Scottsdale Arizona divorce matter;

  1. The dissolution of the marriage.
  2. Child custody / child support issues.
  3. Division of the community property and debt.

Perhaps the easiest of these issues to resolve is the dissolution of the marriage itself.  Unlike many states, Arizona does not require a specific reason for divorce.  Arizona judges do not need to make a finding as to why one or both parties want to be divorced.  It’s enough for one party to indicate their desire to be divorced and that the marriage is irretrievably broken.  Under Arizona law, the reason for divorce is irrelevant.

Even though a specific reason for divorce is not mandatory, there are some specific requirements that must be met before a judge can grant a divorce.  See A.R.S 25-312.

These requirements include the following:

  • At least one of the parties must have lived in Arizona for at least 90 days prior to the date the divorce action is commenced.  Military personnel who are stationed in Arizona can commence a dissolution matter after they have been stationed in the state for at least 90 days.
  • The parties must be made aware of Conciliation Services; a free service offered through the courts to try to help parties reconcile their marriage.  The court must further find that the parties do not believe such services would help save the marriage.
  • That the marriage is irretrievably broken.
  • The court must consider any custody, child support, and spousal maintenance issues that may be present in the case.

If the court does not find that each of these requirements has been met, the court cannot take jurisdiction over the matter and the divorce cannot be granted.

LDS Divorce Attorneys in Scottsdale AZ

Divorce proceedings are understandably emotional and painful for both parties and their children.  If you find yourself facing a divorce, it’s important that you understand your legal rights and the divorce process.  As Mormon Scottsdale AZ divorce and family law attorneys, we have more than 20 years of experience handling divorce matters in Scottsdale AZ.  We will protect your rights and give you the peace of mind you need.  Call us today and schedule your divorce consultation.

Best Divorce Attorney in Mesa AZ

No-Fault Divorce

Arizona is a “no-fault” divorce state.   This simply means that the person initiating the divorce does not have to give a reason or prove the other party at fault.  However, don’t assume that no-fault divorce is a simple divorce. There will still be assets and debts to divide, and if you have children you will need to negotiate child custody and child support.  One way to simplify the process is to hire a lawyer who works with a mediator. They can help negotiate a settlement that will save you both time, stress, and money.

Contested Divorce

When a divorcing couple is unable or unwilling to agree on important decisions such as child custody, child support, or spousal support, this is considered a contested divorce. Contested divorces are those that most individuals wish to avoid. Why?  Contested divorces tend to cause more conflict between the divorcing spouses, take more time to resolve, and are therefore more expensive.

Choosing the right LDS divorce lawyer in Scottsdale AZ will make a significant impact on the results of your case. No matter what stage of the divorce process you are in, we can assist you in navigating your divorce and protecting your rights. We have experience and skills that can be used on your behalf to protect you. Contact your family law attorney today to speak with one of our experienced attorneys.

Uncontested Divorce

Not all divorces end in long court battles.  In fact, most divorces in Scottsdale AZ are uncontested. An uncontested divorce is one that is resolved outside of the courtroom, such as through mediation or another out-of-court agreement. The result is no less binding than a contested divorce in court, but the process is more constructive overall. Your approach with your divorce lawyer in Scottsdale AZ will have a big impact on this.

In an uncontested divorce, the spouses have a greater opportunity to negotiate decisions together, rather than abiding by a court-ordered judgment that may not be the most advantageous for everyone involved.

Discussing your case with an experienced divorce attorney is one of the most important decisions you can make when considering divorce. Even if you and your spouse agree on all or almost all of the terms of your divorce, it will be helpful to have the insight of a legal professional to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

Division of Community Assets, Debts, and Property

A difficult aspect of going through a divorce is deciding how to split up the assets, debts, and property you and your spouse have acquired during your marriage. This can be especially strenuous if one or both of you are the owner of a business.

Since Arizona is a community property state, all assets, property, or debts that you and your spouse acquire during your marriage are considered community property.  Each spouse has a one-half interest in any assets or property acquired during the marriage.  This includes an interest in any real property, personal property (home furnishings, tools, etc.), money, bank accounts, stock, retirement accounts, pensions, etc. Likewise, each spouse has a one-half responsibility for any debt accumulated during the marriage.

Exceptions to this would be any property that one spouse owned prior to the marriage or any property given as a gift or inherited by one spouse during the marriage. In these situations, the other spouse is not entitled to a one-half interest in that property.  A party claiming that some specific property is his or her separate property must provide proof that the property was something he or she owned prior to the marriage, was acquired by gift or was the property that was received through inheritance.

Several issues can arise when dividing property during a divorce.  These issues can include the co-mingling of separate property with community property, hiding assets, or even disagreements over the value of the property.  Property and debts should be divided in such a way that each party receives an equitable distribution of the property.  These issues often require a trial judge to review evidence relating to property and to divide the property in the most equitable way possible.  Sometimes this means that both parties will not receive exactly 50% of the community property.

The legal team at Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Scottsdale AZ is experienced with the complex issues related to the division of assets and debts at the time of divorce.  It is always preferable for the parties to try to come to an agreement as to how their property and debts should be divided. However, sometimes it is necessary to litigate, especially when one spouse may be hiding assets. At Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers, we will protect your property division rights through knowledgeable and compassionate legal expertise.

Annulment vs Divorce

Divorce and annulment are both means of ending a marriage.  A divorce is a dissolution of marriage that recognizes the legality of the marriage, splits assets and debts accumulated during the marriage, and assigns custody, visitation, and child support of the couple’s children.  An annulment is different in that once it is granted, the marriage never legally existed.  In Scottsdale Arizona, a petition for divorce can be filed without fault from either spouse, since it is a no-fault state.  An annulment, however, will only be granted if certain criteria are met that refute the legality of the marriage in the first place, such as intoxication at the time of the marriage, a prior marriage where divorce has not been finalized, fraud, or other grounds.

Mormon Divorce Lawyer Scottsdale AZ

We’re open: Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm

For additional questions you can call us at (480) 581-1650 or you can find us on Google Maps.

Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Scottsdale AZ is located at 7825 E. Gelding Dr Suite 102 Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Our Scottsdale Law Firm offers Divorce Mediation, Uncontested Divorce, Contested Divorce, Legal Separation, Female Divorce Lawyers, Annulment, Child Support Issues, Child Custody, Military Divorce, Parenting Plans, Prenuptial Agreements, Postnuptial Agreements, Grandparents Rights, Paternity, Order of Protection, Name Change and all Family Law legal issues.

Genesis Family Law and Divorce Lawyers in Scottsdale AZ

7825 E. Gelding Dr Suite 102

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

(480) 581-1650

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